
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Designing for failure

One of the first things you hear when you learn about how to design for the cloud is that you should always design for failure. This generally means that any given piece of your cloud infrastructure can stop working at a given time so you need to design for this when constructing your architecture and gain reliability by creating your application with redundancy so that any given part of your applications infrastructure can fail without affecting the actual functionality of the website.

Here is where it gets tricky though. Before I actually started running things in a cloud environment I assumed this meant that every once in a while a certain part of your infrastructure (For instance a VM) would go away and be replaced by another computer within a short time. That is not what designing for failure means. To be sure this happens too, but if that was the only problem you would encounter you could even design your application to deal with failures in a manual way once they happen. In my experience even in a relatively small cloud environment you should expect random intermittent failures to happen at least once every few hours and you really have to design every single piece of your code to handle failures automatically and work around them.

Every non local service you use, even the once that are designed for ultra high reliability like Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage can be assumed to fail a couple of times a day if you make a lot of calls to them. Same thing with any database access or any other API.

So what are you supposed to do about it. The key thing is that whenever you try to do anything with a remote service you need to verify that the call succeeded and if it didn't keep retrying. Most failures that I have encountered are transient and tend to pass within a minute or so at the most. The key is to design your application to be loosely coupled and whenever a piece of the infrastructure experiences a hiccup you just keep retrying it for a while and usually the issue will go away.

Microsoft has some code that will help you do this as well which is called The Transient Fault Handling Block. If you are using the Entity Framework everything is done for you and you just have to specify a Retry Execution Strategy by creating a class like this.

    public class YourConfiguration : DbConfiguration 
      public YourConfiguration() 
                             () => new SqlAzureExecutionStrategy()); 

Then all you have to do is add an attribute specifying to use the configuration on your Entity context class like so.

    public class YourContextContext : DbContext 

It also comes with more generic code for retrying execution. However I am not really happy with the interface of the retry policy functionality. Specifically, there is no way that I could figure out to create a generic log function that allows me to log the failures where I can see what is actually requiring retries. I also don't want to have a gigantic log file just because for a while every SQL call takes 20 retries each one being logged. I rather get one log message per call that indicates how many retries were required before it succeeded (Or not).

So to that effect I created this little library. It is compatible with the transient block mentioned earlier in that you can reuse retry strategies and transient exception detection from this library. It does improve on logging though as mentioned before. Here is some sample usage.

      RetryExecutor executor = new RetryExecutor();
      executor.ExecuteAction(() =>
        { ... Do something ... });
      var val executor.ExecuteAction(() =>
        { ... Do something ...; return val; });
      await executor.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
        { ... Do something async ... });
      var val = await executor.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
        { ... Do something async ...; return val; });

By default only ApplicationExceptions are passed through without retries. Also the retry strategy will try 10 times waiting for the number of previously tries seconds until the next try (Which means it will signal a failure after around 55 seconds). The logging will just write to the standard output.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Simple Soap envelope parser and generator

So I figured as a followup to my previous post here is a small sample project of what I would love to find when searching for a person online that is looking for a job.

This library on GitHub is just one class to help you generate and parse a SOAP envelope, something I was surprised to see wasn't actually available in the .Net framework as a stand alone class (Or at least I haven't found it).

Its use is very simple. To create a SOAP envelope you create an instance of the class SoapEnvelope and assign the Headers and `Body` properties (And possible the Exception if you want to signal an error) and then call the ToDocument method to generate the XML document for the SOAP envelope.

To read data simply call the method SoapEnvelop.FromStream or SoapEnvelope.FromRequest and it will return the envelope it parsed from the stream or request. It does support handling GZip content encoding from the request.

Here is a simple round trip example of its use (For more examples check out the tests).

      SoapEnvelope envelope = new SoapEnvelope();
      envelope.Body = new[] { new XElement("BodyElement") };
      envelope.Headers = new[] { new XElement("HeaderElement") };
      XDocument doc = envelope.ToDocument();
      MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
      stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
      SoapEnvelope otherEnvelope = SoapEnvelope.FromStream(stream);

To continue from the previous post from a few days ago. Even though this example is very short it does show a couple of things if I were to evaluate the author of something similar for a job.

  • This is somebody who actually likes to code because otherwise why would he (Or she) even have taken the time to do this.
  • This is somebody that cares about the quality of their code because even though this is a super simple class it contains a small test suite to make sure that it works.
  • This person has at least a decent grasp of the C# and .Net framework and understand how to use inheritance and interfaces to create something new (If you are a coder and doesn't know, it is scary how few people who should know this stuff, do actually know it).

Thursday, June 18, 2015

What I look for when evaluating future hires

Even though I am not a manager and have put a high importance of never becoming one as one of my own personal development goals I do quite often chime in on evaluating future hires both currently for permanent positions or in the past for consultancy contracts and there is one thing that it seems to be an important thing that a lot if not even most software developers are not doing that I put a high premium on when evaluating new candidates for job application.

The first thing I do when I get a resume sent to me for a prospective candidate is that I go to Google and search for their name. If I can't find a single program related name from anything they've ever done online that is a pretty big blotch on their record from my perspective.

My thinking for this is that to be good at software development and like solving problems even if you are straight out of school you will have done one of the following.

  • Asked a question you couldn't figure out, or even better provided an answer to a question for somebody else, on a site like Stack Overflow or CodeProject.
  • Create or participated in an open source project hosted on GitHub or SourceForge.
  • Created some weird obscure website somewhere (Doesn't really matter what it is or how much traffic it has).
  • Create a blog about something. It doesn't have to be old or very active, but at least you've tried.
  • Have some sort of presence I can find on social media, preferably with some comments I can find in relation to software development. Doesn't matter if it is Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or whatever.

The more of these you can check off the better, but if I can't find you at all that is a huge red flag in my book and you would hopefully be surprised at how common this is for would be software developers.

The problem is if you haven't gotten around to anything of the above to me that signifies that you aren't that into software development and it is just something you do, and generally good coders really like to code and they do it because they like it. If I couldn't make a living for coding I would do it anyway, and most of my public presence online is based on the work I've done when I haven't been collecting a paycheck for it (Since most of the work you do when you do get paid you can't just publish online).

So my advice to anybody who wants to get started working with software development is to sign up for a free account on GitHub and just find a small itch and write an open source application to scratch it. And make sure the repository is associated with your real name so that when I or any other person involved in any hiring search for you we will find it. I can almost guarantee that it will be worth your time.