So how do you do this, one way is to just use GUID's for every identifier but I have always hated that and it leads to bad database design at least in my opinion. So my suggestion is to just use a simple integer identifier counting upwards internally. However whenever the identifier required to report for this is displayed to an end user I take this ID and encrypt it using a secret key with AES-256. This results in a pretty much random 16 byte array that you then encode using base 64 and present to the user. Once any reporting is done you simply do the reverse so that the ID needed to be used is the base 64 encoded encrypted value. This means that it will be almost impossible to guess a valid identifier for anything coming from the outside but internally you can still just deal with regular integers of varying size for everything.
The performance hit should be negligible since AES is implemented in hardware in recent CPU's and even without it AES is really fast.
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